Now that the Liberals have partnered with the NDP, we need your support more than ever
The Liberal-NDP Alliance Is Official View online
Bow River Conservative Association Bow River Conservative Association

Dear {name},


Justin Trudeau has officially confirmed what we've known for years... The NDP and Liberals have formally entered into a pact that will see Jagmeet Singh and the NDP propping up the government for the next 4 budgets. 


In exchange for some big spending promises, the NDP will allow the Liberals to continue racking up Canada's deficit, introduce more job-killing legislation in our energy industry, and curb free speech. This is yet another attempt by Trudeau to  hold onto power for as long as he can. 


We need your support now more than ever. The only way to stop this Liberal-NDP love story is with a strong Conservative opposition. Conservatives will pull out all the stops to hold this out of control government to account.

We are ready to win when the next election comes around.


By making a donation to our EDA, YOU are helping to fight this Liberal-NDP power grab!

Please click here or the button below to make a donation.




JL DeCosta

Bow River Conservative Association

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Authorized by the Official Agent for the Bow River Conservative Association